About Us

National Extrusion and Manufacturing Co., located in Bellefontaine, Ohio and established in 1950, serves a variety of customers with a common need:  high-quality extrusions, custom components, or related assemblies at an affordable cost.

A Comprehensive Synergistic Company

The foundation of our business is rooted in our proven ability to service a diverse customer base, such as transportation, office equipment, medical, building products and electrical/electronics, to name a few .  These industries demand not only competitive costs but proven quality backed by product reliability and on-time deliveries.  We are proud of our 72 plus years of experience and would welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements for aluminum extrusions, related machined and finished parts along with assembly of related parts.  We offer design and engineering assistance with extrusion applications.  Following the philosophy of partnering with our customers, attention is focused at coordinating our engineering and manufacturing activity with customer requirements.


Our continuous improvement approach results in a quality focus at all work centers.  Equipment operators utilize statistical methods (SPC) to monitor and control their production.  Engineering personnel utilize advanced quality planning (AQP) in the design of new product.  Characteristics identified as being critical to quality are determined.  With an emphasis on defect prevention, the most effective cost of quality is achieved.

Tooling - Full Service

An important part of our service is the capability to provide your tooling and fixturing requirements.  After a thorough design review, the methods and tooling requirements are determined to facilitate the completed product at a very affordable cost.  We pride ourselves in bringing a can-do attitude to any project, whether it is a new challenge or something we have accomplished many times in the past.


Reasonable Minimum Quantities

National will make one of something.

We will assist you in planning your requirements and production release quantities to minimize costs.





Your Partner for Aluminum Extrusions,

Custom Components and Assemblies

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